Arief Wicaksono
Arief Wicaksono has extensive experience in facilitating participatory assessments and planning processes on conservation areas management and community-based natural resources management. From 2000 on he supported a variety of initiatives carried out by PIKUL focusing on Eastern Indonesia and the production - consumption paradigm shift at the community levels caused by government development policies. This extensive work is the foundation of his role in JATAM, a network organisation campaigning against the destructiveness of the extractive industry.Through his involvement in JATAM, Arief plays an active role in Oil Watch International, which brought him into the Durban Group for Climate Justice in late 2005. His role in this network of think tanks on climate change intensified during UNFCCC COP11 in December 2005. This prompted Greenpeace to invite him to join the Forest for Climate campaign in early 2007, prior to COP13. Arief campaigned against oil palm as a key driving factor of deforestation in Indonesia through January 2009. His work on forest governance and climate change continued with an advisory role at the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia (Kemitraan). Following this, Arief's interest in forest governance found him incorporating the landscape approach for low emission development strategy (LEDS) within the USAID-funded project, Indonesia Forest and Climate Support (IFACS) from January 2011 through March 2012. Arief has also conducted the Canadian International Development Agency's (CIDA) Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) for the Aceh's Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR). BRR officially adopted SEA as an integral part of the agency's standard operating protocols.Arief's has provided assistance in SEA to the State Ministry of Environment. He also led a multidisciplinary team to develop a framework on SEA for the Millennium Challenge Corporations' District Readiness and Technical Support Assistance Project (DRA Project) to be incorporated by the Green Prosperity program under the Millennium Compact Account - Indonesia (MCA-I) in the provinces of Jambi and West Sulawesi. Arief also serves on the advisory team of Samdhana's REDD Preparedness initiative, focusing on Sumatera.