Damayanti Buchori

Department of Plant Protection, Bogor Agricultural University


Damayanti 'Dami' Buchori is an entomologist whose research focuses on Insect Ecology, particularly those related to Biological Control, Insect Biodiversity and Land Use Change, and Integrated Pest Management. Dami is a pioneering scientist with more than 15 years of experience in international research projects, collaborating with scientists from Germany, USA, Austria, Australia, as well as within Indonesia. She is currently the Vice President of the Indonesian Entomological Society. Her research interest spans across the effect of insect parasitoids on the life history and ecology of its host population, population regulation of insect pests by its natural enemies, population structure and its implication for biological control, land use change and insect diversity, pollination ecology. Dami is an academic staff member of the Department of Plant Protection, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia.

Teaching is Dami's biggest passion, and her dream is that one day, Indonesia can have a critical mass of young Indonesian leaders who will become the next bringing about changes for the good of the nation and its peoples. Dami is also an adjunct researcher at Columbia University, , and a member of the Ecohealth Alliance based in New York City. She is a co-founder of PEKA Indonesia Foundation based in Bogor, Indonesia. Dami also served as a member of Task Force 7 on environmental sustainability during the development of the Millennium Development Goals. Dami is actively involved in community empowerment, where she tries to bridge the gap between research and applied needs in the field. With her agricultural background, Dami has enriched the conservation community in Indonesia. For Dami, conservation is not merely about nature but includes conservation practices that should be implemented in many agricultural practices.