Grant Rosoman

Greenpeace Forests Specialist


Grant Rosoman has served as Forest Campaigner for Greenpeace both in the Pacific and internationally since 1993 – including FSC certification advisor (1998 to date) and on REDD (2007-2009). Grant is now positioned as global forest solutions coordinator, and has been involved with FSC since its inception, including serving on the FSC Board for 7 years, and currently serving as the Chair of the Policy and Standards Committee. Grant has 15 years experience supporting community forestry in the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia, including markets brokering and moving to FSC Group certification. Grant was also part of the New Zealand FSC national standards plantation group (2001-2010). He has authored and produced various papers and reports from critiques of industrial plantations, logging and climate change, to conservation planning and community eco-forestry. Grant is a member of an industry/NGO round table, the New Zealand Imported Tropical Timber Group (ITTG), which committed to certified sources in 1994.