Yvan Biot

Senior Scientist


Dr. Yvan Biot have pursued this over the last 30+ years in development projects, research and policy making in Malaysia, Indonesia, Burundi, Botswana, Brazil and the United Kingdom, as well as in International forums such as on Climate Change. His main achievements include research on soil erosion and production, embedding multistakeholder forest governance in Indonesia and instituting direct access to international climate finance. Degree in tropical agriculture and a PhD in international development. A senior scientist-climate change and environment at UK Departement for International Development (DFID), since January 2015 as Director of Programmes at Farm Africa. Farm Africa responsible for programme design, delivery and impact assessment and supervises the operations of our country offices in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. We currently run about 20 programmes across East Africa, with funds from The European Union, DFID, Irish Aid, the Norwegian Government, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Comic Relief and other Trusts and Foundations. Dr. Yvan belief is that a world which respects and enables diversity of opinion and livelihoods is more likely to grow and be resilient to shocks and trends than one which relies on a single understanding of well-being.