Dr. Martua T. Sirait
Martua T. Sirait (Indonesian Nationality) was born in 1965 in Braunschweig, Germany, holds a degree in Forestry (Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan 1990) and Master's in Applied Sociology and Anthropology from Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines (1996). PhD from the International Institute on Social Science in The Hague, Netherlands in the field of Rural Sociology (2015).
Martua has been working in land tenure and resource policy research in Indonesia and the SEA region since working at World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF_SEA, 1996-2015). In 2008 formally recognized as Samdhana Fellow. Since 2016 he lead the Policy Support Unit at Samdhana Institute to promote land tenure security for the Indigenous People’s and Local Communities, and since 2018 served as Director for Indonesia Operations at the same institutions up to now. He served also as the Commisioners representing the NGOs at the National Forestry Council (DKN 2010-2014), seconded to several government team and task forces; ie. 2016, Task Force for the Acceleration of the Agrarian Reform program at the Office of the President (KSP), Expert Panel for Agrarian Issue & Rural Development to the National Peat Land & Mangrove Restoration (BRGM 2016-2021).