Strategic Collaborative Responses Towards Environmental Sustainability (SCORES) Project
Project Objectives/ Outputs:
Objective 1: Indigenous governance strengthening and participatory formulation of Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan (ADSDPP) or community development plans
- Output – Two (2) Calamian Tagbanwa ancestral domains increased their conservation efforts, through integration of conservation into the ADSDPP, and improved rights awareness and improved practice of indigenous governance.
Objective 2: Enhancing capacities of Tagbanwas and strengthening Calamianes–wide federations to engage local government, national government agencies, the private sector and other stakeholders directly, and in multi-stakeholder platforms
- Output – At least two (2) Tagbanwa federations, representing at least four to six ancestral domains strengthen their capacity for lobbying skills and networking with three local government units of Busuanga, Coron, and Culion, and with private and business sectors, academe and media for multi-stakeholder engagement (MSE)
Objective 3: Increasing capacities for women and youth to conservation and promotion of Silipeten (traditional food system), and developing agroecology-based farming for sustainable food production and biodiversity-friendly community enterprise development
- Output – Capacitated at least 100 women and 100 youth who lead on: Indigenous peoples rights and governance, project proposal development, paralegal and legal approaches, conservation and promotion of Silipeten, agroecology farming, biodiversity – friendly enterprise development, and photo and video documentation.
Objective 4: Knowledge management to further broaden awareness raising on IP rights and community initiatives and facilitate and/or contribute to development of learning platforms.
- Output – Raised awareness of at least 2, 500 people in and outside of Calamianes Islands on Indigenous people’s rights, community conservation, and biodiversity – friendly enterprises, and on SGP’s Calamianes landscape strategy through popular multimedia knowledge products, learning exchanges and media engagement.
Project Partners:
- Calamian Tagbanwa Communities/ Ancestral Domains including Tagbanwa family members (individuals)
- Indigenous Peoples Organizations (including federation)
- Women, including young women
- Men, including young men