Support for Grassroots Environmental Action in Southeast Asia
Project Sites
Southeast Asia region
Project Period
Donor Partner
Global Greengrants Fund
Project Objectives
General small grantsmaking:
- To provide flexible and direct funding support to Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Southeast Asia, in line with Samdhana’s areas of work;
- To provide capacity building support to Grantee-Partners to enable them to better manage their grant projects and resources;
Project components
- Indigenous peoples or communities
- Projects relating to climate: including, but not limited to forest protection, agriculture, food systems, energy, extractives, adaptation, climate movements, just transition, transportation, others
- Tropical forest protection
- Women and environment
Grant categories and functions:
Micro grants: between US$ 500 – US$ 9,999
- Travel grants
- Capacity development; institutional development
- Education and indigenous knowledge building grants
Small grants: Between US$ 10,000 – US$ 30,000
- Resiliency building and social justice grants
Urgent action grants between US$ 500 – US$ 3,000
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