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EA Indonesia Program Held The 5th Partners Annual Meeting in Jakarta


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Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has an abundance of natural resources and high population diversity. At the same time, large-scale conversion (from natural vegetation) also happened in Indonesia. Indonesia is further also categorized as the state that produces the highest amount of CO2 in the world. Data shows that many people live in poverty. These numbers encourages IUCN, Both Ends and Wetlands International to initiate a joint program for Indonesia that is called The Ecosystem Alliance Indonesia Program.

21 organizations participated in the EA Indonesia partner meeting that was held from the 6th till 10th of June 2015 in Jakarta. The meeting started with Panen Raya Nusantara a.k.a the PARARA Festival in Lapangan Banteng. The objective of the Partner (Mitra) Meeting was to assess key achievements and lessons from 4 years of Ecosystem Alliance Indonesia program implementation and to identify next steps for a new program with EA partners. The meeting was followed a field visit.

EA Program is designed to develop focused-programming, which can produce real results and make a difference through: build power, experience and networks of all participating partners working towards synergy. The aimed result is to strengthen civil society in natural resource management through livelihood development, tenure improvement,improvement in citizens' participation in planning and decision-making related to natural resources, and lastly in governance and management capacity improvement in managing natural resources sustainably. In general the goal is to increase the wealth of the less fortunate and create a more inclusive economy through participative, responsible and transparent ecosystem management. The program is conducted through 3 intervention strategies: poverty reduction (improve communities' livelihood), civil society strengthening and efforts to influence policy. The intervention strategy is conducted in 2 components, a local-national component and an international component.

In Indonesia, the EA program is conducted through cooperation with various partners that are spread in a number of focus regions such as Sumatra, Borneo, and some islands of Papua. One of the most important activities of the EA Program Indonesia is to conduct annual meetings with all partners. the first annual meeting was in2011 in Punca (Java), the secondin 2012 in Jambi (Sumatera) and the third in 2013 in Sintang ( Kalimantan ). The 4th meeting was April 2014 in Sentani (Papua).

The meeting was attended by representatives of NTFP, Sawit Watch, Walhi Seknas, WIIP, Samdhana, Telapak, WARSI, PtPPMA, Yadupa, Gita Buana, Yayasan Mitra Insani (YMI), YKWS, WBH, Walhi Riau, Walhi Kalbar, Walhi Kaltim, Walhi Kalsel, Walhi Kalbar, LP3M sintang, JMM Malinau, JKPP. Also present EA Indonesia coordinator, committee and colleague.


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