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Sustainable Food Systems, Grown From Traditional Knowledge

From 29-30 May 2024, the Samdhana Institute took part in a national workshop entitled ‘Youth Food Systems Dialogue and Movement 2024: Promoting Local Knowledge for Sustainable Food Systems in Indonesia’. Hosted at IPB University in Bogor, the event was part of a programme that aims to revive local, sustainable food systems in Indonesia, with particular focus on passing traditional wisdom down to the next generation.

A Journey of Determination: Securing Customary Forests in Aceh

On 12 September 2023, Indonesia’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) officially designated eight customary forests in Aceh, Sumatra. This included three in Pidie Regency, namely Mukim Beungga, Mukim Kunyet and Mukim Paloh. One of the institutions that played an integral role behind the success of the Aceh Customary Forest Decree determination process was the Aceh Indigenous Community Network (Jaringan Komunitas Masyarakat Adat Aceh or JKMA Aceh).

The Future is Female: Celebrating Women’s Role in Climate Adaptation

From 5-7 March 2024, the Samdhana Institute celebrated International Women's Day during an event organised by the Parara Consortium in Kemang, Jakarta. Here, a number of remarkable women from around Indonesia shared their experiences, stories of struggle and solidarity, in which traditional knowledge is helping tackle the issue of climate change. 

Semeyaan 2024

In prayer for a bountiful cropping season, “Semeyaan” is a yearly cultural practice and tradition of the Menuvu Kirinteken-Ilentungen. This year, we in Samdhana Institute, were fortunate to participate in the three-days gathering in Sezukadang community in CADT 206 in Southern Bukidnon.

A very important annual ritual, the community especially prepares for it in advance. Even some of the children set aside a hen to contribute to the offering.

Planting the Seeds of A Sustainable Local Ecosystem

“It’s better if you plant your own food instead of buying produce from the market that are grown with (harmful) chemicals,” shared Edelyn of Barangay Sta. Ana in Calatagan, Batangas. She, together with other community members, underwent training sessions on natural farming methods and related topics under Seeding Futures, a transformational development program that encourages the participants’ ability to imagine and create a better future for one’s self, family, and community.

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